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But beyond coming up with just the usual GWP, SMX Global went much further.
Understanding that a brand formulated with a scientific blend of nutrients designed with nurturing outstanding children in mind, and providing them with the nutrients to support children’s learning and overall growth & development … SMX Global gave birth to “Arif”.
Let us introduce you to Arif – the beloved character that engages children. Arif’s smart behavior matches all the values that brand stands for. Arif epitomizes the good role model that kids would emulate. He is also designed to enhance children’s learning ability.
The message to parents was this call-to-action: “Let your child learn as he plays”. The role model of Arif was so well-received by parents that this character ran for not one, but four seasons:
- Misi Arif – Arif’s Mission
- Kembara Arif – Adventures of Arif
- Arif’s T-Shirt with Cape – complete with badge of honors
- Arif dan Kawan – Arif & Friends.
The solid quality of the wooden blocks that were built for Season 2 actually totaled eight collectibles, covering Year 1 to Year 7. This campaign included interactive elements that engaged children in learning more effectively – like stickers, coloring, and drawing to name but a few. The detailed development of the character of Arif, the graphics, the 3D modelling and even the learning tools were built in-house by SMX Global.
“ Misi Arif ” GWP series did so well, Arif went out of stock in record time!
The brief was simple – massive reach. And SMX Global, true to their motto, “Reaching Out Further”, did exactly that for another oral care brand, creating smiles all over the country, and at the client’s office as well.
An important part of SMX’s expertise in GWP is their passion, knowledge, and instinct of knowing what works, what would be unique to your brand – and going all out to make it happen.
Fully customized, the Gudetama Bowl Cover set was created with its own special CI (Corporate Identity), and using the much-loved local food, nasi lemak and roti bakar, plus the classic telur mata. An innovative design engineered using a special combo of two materials, this entire range of GWP became collectibles – and they are still much sought after today

How do you enhance that brand image with a GWP for brand famous for being the most premium of milks you would probably know? – And they are formulated to help kids be smarter.
How do parents gauge smartness? Let’s begin with the question mummies, daddies, grandmas and grandpas often ask each other: “At what age did your child start to talk?” Beyond just babbling, a child’s ability to articulate is the gold standard which makes your heart sing with joy. Also, every parent knows that the more you stimulate your child, the better their development.
Introducing the “Sounds Fun!” – the musical instrument sound book. As a learning series, SMX Global conceptualized not just an item, but an entire system – customizing a delightfully easy-to-use, fun and interactive learning that’s unique to our client promo!
When do you know your GWP has grown beyond a GWP? Try Googling “Milo Juara backpack” and you will find that Milo’s Juara Backpack has become a collectible sought after on its own – even after the promotion is over
But how did it start? The brief was for a GWP backpack- but not just any backpack – Milo wanted one that’s durable and sporty. One that can fit a yoga mat, or skateboard, even a basketball, catering for the different segments of the market. A tall order – and SMX Global customised one that is on the way to becoming a classic.
You know how some good artists guide you in buying art? The better guides will be able to simplify it into this simple instruction: An excellent way to gauge if a particular piece is perfect for you … is that it will “speak to you”. The Milo Juara Backpack spoke volumes to Milo’s target, and continues speaking to their target audience and attracting people beyond the campaign period.
It is a backpack that’s so durable, your target audience continues carrying your brand values beyond expectations!

SMX Global building an entire Monopoly board customized for all main client key brands to get Monopoly in the market!
This very rare GWP was an instant (no pun intended) hit, and became a collector’s item.
SMX developed it, and helped license it to be fully customizable, even down to the Monopoly questions within the game. This customized Monopoly set helps people understand why the client products are good and give them a better sense of each of the brands’ values.
Beyond a GWP, it is an excellent educational tool – for entire families of the target audience.